Signs of Labor and how to take relief from labor pain
Childbirth is usually healthy and safe. Although giving birth happens naturally, the actual experience is different for every woman.
Friends, family, and even strangers will tell you what birthing was like for them. One woman may tell you she was in labor for 32 hours. Another may tell you her labor lasted 6 hours. Just remember: no two births are exactly the same, and each one is special.
When your body is preparing to give birth, it can be hard to tell if you are really in labor or just getting ready for labor. Here are the main signs to watch for: Signs your body is getting ready but may not be in labor yet (early labor)
The baby feels lower in your pelvis.You are having contractions, but they are not regular or they stop when you move around. These are called Braxton Hicks contractions.
Signs you are probably in labor (true labor)
• Your contractions are becoming more regular and stronger over time.
• Your water breaks. It can be a trickle of water or a fast flow.
• Contractions get closer together and do not stop when you move around.
• You have pain in your lower back that goes around to your stomach. Women feel labor pain in different ways. For some, it feels like menstrual cramps; for others, like strong
• pressure in the abdomen; and for others, like back pain.
If you think you are in labor, call your health care provider right away.
Labor is when your uterus contracts to push the baby out through the birth canal.
• Your cervix (the opening of your uterus to the vagina) begins to dilate. This means it stretches to give your baby room to move into the birth canal. During a contraction, your abdomen feels tight, and then it relaxes. Soon it feels tight again, and then it relaxes again. This happens again and again as your baby moves further down in the birth canal.
• Your cervix is fully open now. Your contractions get stronger and closer together. As they become more intense, they help you push the baby through the birth canal, and the baby is born.
• The placenta separates from the uterus. Sometimes you need to push a little to help it pass.
Pain Relief during Labor
Every woman has a different childbirth experience, but most will agree that labor hurts. Because of that, it can be scary. It is hard work, but as we have said, your body was designed to do this.
So even though you will have pain, think of it as healthy pain. After all, you are pushing this little per- son through your body and out into the world. Isn’t it amazing that you are able to do that? We think so. And so do medical scientists. Natural pain relief Scientists and health care experts have discovered different ways to reduce the pain and make a woman more comfortable during her labor. Some natural techniques are listed below.
Deep breathing, Changing positions, Music, Massage