Make your life lifestyle Healthy
Good health is an important element for a happy life. Apart from exercise, have you thought about any other methods to promote your health? According to the World Health organization, health is not just being free from disease or infirmity. It is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. By adopting a healthy lifestyle, we can strengthen our body’s resistance and prevent ourselves from contracting diseases more effectively. Here are some guidelines to help you practice a healthy lifestyle:
1. Keep working and resting hours regular.
2. Be optimistic and keep a positive attitude towards life.
3. Share your feelings with someone when you feel distressed.
4. Eat according to the ‘Food Pyramid’ and keep a well balanced diet including grains and cereals, fruits and vegetables, dairy products and meat. Eat less sugary, salty or oily foods.
5. Maintain good personal, food and environmental hygiene.
6. Exercise regularly.
7. Don’t smoke, take minimal amount of alcohol and refrain from substance abuse.
8. Have regular health check-ups and seek medical advice at the earliest sign of ailment.
Practice a healthy lifestyle, then you will have the strength and energy to tackle problems and thus lead a better quality of life.